Baniyas Club Under-10 team participated in the Football Federation Championship, where the young players presented a distinguished performance that reflects the great development in the level of the club's age groups.
The championship witnessed a number of matches played by the team, during which the players demonstrated high technical skills and a distinctive fighting spirit, reflecting the great efforts made by the technical and administrative staff to develop young talents.
Bani Yas Club officials confirmed that the main goal of participating in the championship is to provide the players with experience and enhance team spirit and teamwork, in addition to preparing them for the future to be part of the first team system.
The technical staff praised the performance presented by the players, stressing that this participation was a positive step in the development of the club's age groups. Thanks were also extended to the parents for their continuous support and constant motivation for these young players.
It is worth noting that Bani Yas Club pays great attention to the age groups, and works to develop their skills by participating in local championships and intensive training programs, within the framework of a long-term strategy to develop the club's football base.